Focus on issues of importance to existing businesses in Lauderdale County.
Explore ways to foster existing business and expansion to our business base by recruiting new commercial business.
Responsible for working with local municipalities to support and encourage infrastructure and growth.
Responsible for putting together a "wish list" for retail establishments and an incentive package.
Community Development
Responsible for promoting, sustaining and improving, when necessary, the livability of Lauderdale County.
Position the Chamber as a positive force for quality growth and a catalyst for achieving the community's long-term objectives.
Responsible for submitting ideas for non-dues revenue programs and/or events. (formerly Program/Event committee)
Responsible for helping promote & publicize the use of the Chamber sound system. (formerly Sound System committee)
Responsible for events geared to bring together or "unite" the entire community.
Responsible for projects that will help to clean-up or provide beautification to Lauderdale County.
Responsible for identifying and finding grant opportunities.
Responsible for positively impacting the economy and quality of life in Lauderdale County by promoting local tourist attractions.
Responsible for making Lauderdale County a tourism destination in West Tennessee.
Responsible for working with citizens and groups to further promote the assets of our community whether they be outdoors, sporting or other types of attractions.
Responsible for working to promote the Agricultural community.
Responsible for working with the local Extension office to explore ways to promote and "sell" Lauderdale County products.
Responsible for identifying "Agritourism" opportunities.
Responsible for improving the relationship between the farming community and the Chamber.
Education/Workforce Development
Responsible for conducting training/educational opportunities for chamber membership.
Responsible for initiating a partnership between education and business - much like the former adopt-a-school & partners in education.
Work with the Technology Center to promote their training and educational opportunities.
Publicize opportunities and assistance available through local educational system.
Secure and retain a membership base to provide adequate financial and volunteer resources to carry out Chamber initiatives.
Initiate a chamber membership survey to identify needs, wants, etc.
Provide Chamber members with opportunities to meet potential customers & clients through a variety of events and programs.
Plan, organize and implement the annual membership banquet.
Organize a Chamber membership drive.
Responsible for working with the Chamber Director to submit a balanced budget for the fiscal year. (formerly Budget committee)
Responsible for working with Personnel committee to evaluate and reward Chamber staff.
Responsible for developing & maintaining staff evaluation process.
Responsible for determination of staff pay raises, bonuses or other incentives for employees.
Responsible for hiring Executive Director when necessary.
Responsible for making sure all Chamber policies and procedures are updated regularly, are fair and changed according to by-laws when necessary. (a semi-annual review is recommended)
123 S. Jefferson St., Ripley, TN 38063 | P: 731.635.9541 or 8463 F: 731.635.9064