Town of Henning, TN

Master Plan Draft

The Town of Henning has developed a draft Master Plan in collaboration with its residents to help guide future development and infrastructure investment. The draft Master Plan will be posted on this website no later than December 16, 2024, and copies will be available at Town Hall during regular business hours.

Interested parties may provide feedback in a comment box at Town Hall, or via email to Mayor Reed at

All comments will be shared with the Planning Commission for consideration during the Plan’s adoption process.


Henning Master Plan (pdf)


Master Plan Appendix (zip)

Public Hearing Notice for Planning Commission Meeting

The Henning Planning Commission will meet on January 6, 2025 to discuss the town's draft Master Plan. The meeting will be held at the Henning Town Hall at 5:00pm. The public is encouraged to attend.

You can review the draft plan prior to the meeting no later than December 16, 2024, on this website and in person at Town Hall during regular business hours.


123 S. Jefferson St., Ripley, TN 38063 | P: 731.635.9541 or 8463 F: 731.635.9064